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Surgical treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Dr. Ali Salah offers the best surgical solutions to control the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson’s disease) with the latest international devices and means.

Deep brain stimulation

Implantation of the DBS device, or what is known as deep brain stimulation, through implanting a device within the deep neurons of the brain to control the disturbed nerve impulses in the brain of Parkinson’s patients.

Nucleus of thalamus cauterization

Thalamotomy (Cauterization of nucleus of thalamus) and Pallidotomy (cauterization of the inner pallid ball) in order to control the tremors and slow movement of patients with Parkinson’s disease (Parkinson’s disease).

About the intervention

The surgery is carried out under local anesthesia with the use of physiological nerve monitoring device, then a navigational intervention of the brain is done to determine the points of nucleus of thalamus and inner pallid ball.
The surgery is done either by implanting a deep brain stimulation device or cauterizing of the foci using a radiofrequency cautery device. Then the patient is evaluated during surgery, giving the immediate relief of symptoms he feels right after the intervention.

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