Success Stories

Patients recovered from Parkinson

How do you look?

Parkinson’s case before and after surgery

Parkinson’s case before and after surgery. The patient was suffering from Parkinson’s paralysis on the right side of his body, and by the grace of God, he had a successful surgery that did not take half an hour, including preparations for the operation. The video shows the patient’s condition before and after the operation, where the patient was able to lift the water bottle and drink from it in a natural way and without any tremor in his hands, and he began to practice his life in a normal state of parkinsonism before and after the surgery.

Parkinson’s disease during surgery

A case of parkinsonism during surgery, where the tremor was controlled during the surgery and the patient moved his hand and controlled it. These surgeries are done without any anesthesia for the patient and by using the latest navigational devices in Parkinson’s surgeries

Our patients’ insights

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حالات شفيت من الشلل الرعاش

From Chad 🇹🇩

Mr. Essa Dotom

جراحة ناجحة شفيت من الشلل الرعاش

From Libya 🇱🇾

Mr. Abdelsalam

حالات شفيت من الشلل الرعاش

From Yemen 🇾🇪

Mr. Ethaa Mohamed

حالات شفيت من الشلل الرعاش

From Iraq 🇮🇶

Mr. Abd-Elsamad

حالات شفيت من الشلل الرعاش

From Iraq 🇮🇶

Mr. Mashkour Abass

حالات شفيت من الشلل الرعاش

From Iraq 🇮🇶

Mr. Azhar Kamel

All rights reserved - Dr. Ali Salah

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